Experienced Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Attorney Ready To Help You
In exchange for a smaller, more compact method of transportation, motorcycle riders inevitably sacrifice the safety and stability of a four-wheeled vehicle. As a result, motorcycle accidents can be especially devastating for riders as compared to other types of motor vehicle accidents.
If you have suffered injuries in a motorcycle wreck, you may be entitled to relief. Contact the Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyers at Mills & Anderson to discuss your case with an experienced injury attorney today.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics in Las Vegas
Riding a motorcycle is inherently dangerous for a variety of reasons. In fact, motorcycle riders are at a greater risk of fatality in an accident than those who ride in other types of motor vehicles.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that, per vehicle miles traveled, motorcyclists are approximately 27 times more likely to die in a traffic accident than people in passenger vehicles. The NHTSA also reported 56 motorcyclist fatalities in the State of Nevada, specifically, in 2019.
Additionally, the Nevada Department of Transportation reported that between 2015 and 2017, there were 3,353 motorcycle accidents in the State of Nevada. 2,330 of these occurred in the greater Las Vegas metro area alone. Of these 2,330 motorcycle crashes:
- 591 resulted in property damage only;
- 2,713 resulted in personal injuries; and
- 49 resulted in death.
Research indicates that helmet use by motorcyclists has been steadily increasing in the United States since 2010. Notably, states that enacted legislation requiring helmet use have a higher helmet usage rate than states without such legislation.
However, the fact remains that even with these additional precautions, motorcycle accidents continue to be dangerous and, sometimes, deadly for those involved.
Nevada Motorcyclist Rules and Regulations
Nevada law imposes a number of requirements upon motorcyclists for their own safety and for that of others on Nevada roadways.
For the purposes of Nevada motorcycle law, “motorcycle” is defined as any motor vehicle “equipped with a seat or a saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground.” However, the definition specifically excludes:
- Electric bicycles,
- Electric scooters,
- Tractors, and
- Mopeds.
If your motor vehicle meets this definition, Nevada law will consider it a motorcycle subject to the rules and regulations described herein. Thus, make sure you know whether your motor vehicle constitutes a “motorcycle,” and if it does, make sure that you comply with the rules of the road.
If you are uncertain whether you are subject to Nevada motorcycle law, contact our Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorneys for more information.
Licensure Requirements
Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) section 486.061 requires a specific licence to operate a motorcycle on Nevada roads. Nevada motorcyclists must have a Class M driver license to operate their motorcycle within the state.
A Class M driver license is obtained by either completing an approved motorcycle rider course or taking a written test at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Additionally, to operate a motorcycle on Nevada roads, you must be at least 18 years of age. However, there is one exception to this age requirement—nonresidents who are at least 16 years of age and who are authorized to operate a motorcycle in their state of residency may also operate a motorcycle in Nevada.
Helmet Requirements
NRS 486.231 also requires motorcycle riders and their passengers to wear protective headgear at all times while riding on Nevada highways. Such headgear must be securely fastened on the head. Riders and passengers must also wear protective glasses, goggles, or face shields unless the motorcycle is equipped with a transparent windscreen.
Nevada Motorcycle Mandatory Equipment Requirements
Nevada law also imposes mandatory equipment requirements on motorcycles that are operated in the state. The equipment requirements include:
- Functional front and rear brakes;
- Front and rear turn signals;
- Front and back wheel fenders;
- Adjustable footrests for passengers;
- At least one operational headlight, but no more than two;
- Functional horn;
- A muffler;
- Rearview mirrors on each handlebar;
- Handlebars that are positioned at a height to ensure hand grips are not above shoulder level;
- At least one reflector on the rear that is visible in low beam lights from at least 300 feet away; and
- A taillight that is visible in day or night from at least 500 feet away.
If you have questions about whether your motorcycle is in compliance with Nevada motorcycle equipment standards, contact our Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyers today.
Penalties for Violation of Nevada Motorcycle Laws
If you are a Nevada motorcyclist, it is imperative that you strictly adhere to these rules and regulations.
Regardless of whether you feel they are important, these rules have been put in place for a reason—to keep you safe. Failure to comply can result in injury, and even death, to yourself and other drivers on the road.
Additionally, violation of these statutes, simply put, is against the law. Any person who violates any provision of Nevada’s motorcycle law is guilty of a misdemeanor. Thus, always make sure to know and understand these laws to better protect yourself and others on the road.
An experienced Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorney can help you understand these laws and answer any questions you may have.
Las Vegas Motorcycle Insurance Requirements
It is also important to note that there are minimum insurance requirements for Nevada motorcyclists. In fact, Nevada law imposes criminal penalties on riders who operate motorcycles without insurance coverage.
Nevada motorcyclists must comply with the same minimum coverage requirements as drivers of passenger vehicles. These minimum coverage requirements include:
- $25,000 for bodily injury or death of one person in any single accident;
- $50,000 for bodily injury or death of two or more people in any single accident; and
- $20,000 for injury or destruction of property of others in any single accident.
You also have the option of purchasing additional coverage to better protect yourself in the event of an accident. However, make sure that you obtain at least the minimum coverage.
Failure to do so can result in being charged with a misdemeanor, which can result in a fine of up to $1,000 per violation.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents frequently result in severe injuries. This is due in large part to the fact that motorcycles are so much smaller than other motor vehicles on the road.
There are many scenarios in which a motorcycle accident might occur. Common examples include:
- Head-on collisions,
- Left-hand turns by passenger cars,
- Distracted drivers,
- Driving under the influence,
- Road hazards,
- Weather conditions, and
- Lane splitting.
No matter how your accident occurred, know that you have rights. Reach out to an experienced injury lawyer today to discuss your rights and see how you can recover.
Can I Recover After My Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident?
Motorcycle accidents can be complex and difficult to navigate. And each case will have different facts and circumstances to take into consideration. However, most cases will come down to whether you can prove that the other party was responsible for causing your accident.
In general, a driver of a motor vehicle owes a duty of care to other drivers on the road. And although motorcycles are small and more susceptible to damage in comparison to passenger vehicles, this fact does not absolve other drivers of their duty to you.
Thus, a driver will have a duty to drive in a reasonably safe manner at all times while on Nevada roads. If another driver breaches that duty to you, causing your accident and resulting injuries, you may be entitled to relief.
For example, if a driver fails to check their mirrors before changing lanes, striking you on your motorcycle in the process, they may be legally liable for your injuries.
Of course, there are many situations that could result in the legal liability of another party in your accident. Contact our Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyers to see whether and to what extent you may be entitled to compensation.
Mills & Anderson: Your Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Attorneys
If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a Las Vegas motorcycle accident, you may be wondering what you can do.
At Mills & Anderson, we know just how complicated and stressful this process can be. That’s why it’s so important to have someone in your corner who understands the law and knows what it takes to successfully fight for your rights.
Our Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyers have more than 40 years of collective experience fighting for the rights of clients in need. From personal injury cases to wrongful death claims, we’ve seen just about every type of case imaginable. Our experienced injury legal team also handles other types of cases, including:
If you’re looking for an aggressive litigator and advocate you can trust, look no further than Mills & Anderson. Contact our Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorneys today for a consultation to discuss your case and see what we can do for you.