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What are your Responsibilities as a Client?
DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES PURSUANT TO NRCP 16.2 Pursuant to Nevada Rule of Civil Procedure 16.2, there are certain requirements set by the Court that must be followed by the parties. Failure to comply with these rules could result in sanctions, including an award of attorney’s fees payable to the opposing party. Specifically: 1. 16.2 Disclosure. Within 45 days of service of...Read More 0
What to Know About the ANTI-DEFICIENCY STATUTE in Nevada
If you’re like many of the homeowners in the state of Nevada, you may be facing or have already gone through a home foreclosure. When this occurs in a depressed market, it can often result in a “deficiency” when the bank does not recover the total amount owed at the time of the foreclosure sale. While banks can pursue the homeowner for the deficiency once the foreclosure sale is completed,...Read More 0
What are the Grounds for a No Fault Divorce in Nevada?
Nevada is one of the easiest places in the country to get married. All it takes is a ride to the Marriage Bureau for a certificate, a drive thru ceremony at one of the many wedding chapels, and you’re on you’re way to marital bliss. Somewhat ironically, Nevada has also made itself one of the easiest places to get divorced. Below are some of the requirements one must meet in order to file...Read More 0
What is the Formation of Domestic Partnerships in Nevada?
Over the past several years, the issue of same sex-marriage has been a controversial and frequently litigated subject throughout the United States. A number of states have either passed or attempted to pass constitutional amendments banning the recognition of same sex marriage, while other states have explicitly chosen to recognize a same sex union as it would the marriage of a heterosexual...Read More 0
The BIGGEST mistake litigants make in any contested legal proceeding is taking on self representation. While there are some individuals who are able to successfully navigate the procedural and substantive rules in a law suit, most individuals are ill-equipped to take on such a task. Below are five reasons why representing yourself is a bad idea. 1.) Following procedural court rules can be a...Read More 0
What You Should Know About Child Support in Las Vegas
For parents who have just separated, child custody is often the most contentious matter that parents will have to deal with as they move forward with separate lives. It is also the most important, as the decisions parents make with respect to their children can have significant repercussions both legally and in their relationship with a child. Here are some pointers on how to behave and what...Read More 0
What You Should Know About Child Support in Nevada
If you are a single parent living in Nevada and have any questions regarding child support, keep reading. Below you will find information that corrects some common misconceptions we see every day in our family law practice about child support in Nevada. If you have any questions that are not answered below, feel free to comment on the post and we will do our best to respond your your question....Read More 3
What is the Law on Grandparent’s Rights?
The term “Grandparent’s Rights” is a bit of a misnomer under Nevada law’s statutory structure. In reality, Nevada law does not specify any particular “right” a grandparent has simply by virtue of a biological relationship to a grandchild. While grandparents do have the ability to pursue custodial time or placement of a grandchild with them, their ability to do so is restricted as described...Read More 1
The belief that unmarried fathers “have no rights” with respect to children born out of wedlock is a common misunderstanding of Nevada law. In reality, all parents, whether married or not, have co-equal rights regarding their children from the moment those children are born. However, as a practical matter, it can be difficult for a father to effectively assert those rights absent an official...Read More 0